What I Do
Workshops & Presentations

TRUE U™ Personal Branding Workshop
Uncover passion, possibility and purpose! In this group workshop we use different exercises and activities to define what you want, what's important to you and who you want to be. You'll explore what makes you unique and what keeps you motivated. Creating your "personal brand" will guide your decisions and help you create a path that feels aligned. You'll leave the workshop with greater clarity and excitement about the future. Experience the power of realizing your TRUE U!
SET FOR LIFE™ Workshop
Polish and impress! This skills-focused workshop focuses on practical know-how to equip you for success as you get ready to enter the "real world". Topics include social skills, basic etiquette, grammar, presentation skills, and general knowledge. Walk away with greater confidence after learning how to not only make a positive first impression but a lasting one! Put your best self forward with teachers, professors or potential employers, feel more relaxed in social situations, and have overall better self-esteem.​

​Customized Workshops & Presentations
Customized workshops and presentations are available for your school, club, or workplace. Common topics include but are not limited to:
Less Stress & Anxiety
Better Grades & Study Habits​
Stronger Relationships​
Positive Transition & Change​
Motivation & Direction​
Increased Confidence & Self-Esteem